7 Good Reasons You Shouldn’t Skip Your Dental Cleaning

Outstanding oral health is a great thing to have and it plays a huge role in your overall well-being. To carry out a truly healthy lifestyle, you should probably visit a dentist near you twice a year for a cleaning. However, many individuals postpone their bi-annual cleanings thinking that it isn't necessary or they don't have the time. If you’re one of them, keep in mind that the pros far outweigh the cons of not getting a cleaning. 

You might be wondering if it’s really that important for you to come in every six months for your cleaning. Here are seven reasons to schedule your dental cleaning today:

1. Prevent tooth deterioration

It is of paramount importance that you brush and floss every day. That isn’t enough to stop tooth decay, though. Over 80% of young adults are living with cavities and fillings. If you want to take better care of your teeth, a cleaning will stop the decay from becoming a more severe and costly problem later on. 

2. Have a brighter smile

Surface stains are derived from the foods and liquids you choose to ingest. Brushing properly and regularly can clean your teeth, but will most likely not get rid of these stains. By acquiring a dental cleaning in Winnipeg, these can be removed.

3. Get ahead of gum disease 

Tartar and plaque buildup encourages harmful bacteria to grow in your mouth. This bacteria accumulates under the gum line, which then causes your gums to start receding. The aforementioned could result in gum disease and tooth loss if left unchecked. 

4. Remove what your toothbrush missed 

Carefully brushing your teeth or having a high-end toothbrush won’t prevent you from leaving some things behind. However, a professional at a dental office in Winnipeg will have the tools and abilities to access all those crevices in your mouth.

5. Check for oral cancer 

Getting a teeth cleaning near you does so much more than just the obvious, which is cleaning your teeth. The dental prophylaxis appointment allows your dentist to assess the condition of your mouth in general. 

While performing the cleaning, they look for any swollen or ulcerated areas. If anything looks atypical, your dentist will let you know. Patients at a higher risk are smokers and regular drinkers who consume more than one alcoholic beverage a day. 

6. Prevent or diagnose disease 

Many serious medical conditions are linked to the state of your teeth and mouth. Diabetes is a common condition that directly affects the quality of your teeth. Diabetes reduces your body’s ability to counteract infections, which consequently harms your teeth and gums. 

By improving their dental care and making lifestyle adjustments, patients experience improvements in glycemic and periodontal conditions. Furthermore, one more serious risk is heart disease. Studies have shown that having great oral health can lower the risk of heart disease.

7. Maintain fresh breath

For some of us, bad breath is a daily struggle. Plaque, tartar, and bacteria are to blame for this. As mentioned above, your regular brushing doesn’t remove everything, which means there is some bacteria still at work in your mouth. Since your dental hygienist covers what your toothbrush isn’t able to, your half-yearly cleaning is an extra tool in your box against bad breath. 

If it has been longer than a year since your last dental cleaning, you are way overdue for one. Schedule an appointment for a teeth cleaning near you and have a dental professional clean and inspect your teeth as soon as you possibly can. You’ll leave with the certainty that your teeth are properly cared for and that your mouth is in optimal condition.

Address: 1175 Rothesay St, Winnipeg, MB R2G 1T6Canada