Am I a Candidate for Dental Veneers

Has your dentist in Winnipeg recommended dental veneers? This restorative option is versatile as it can address a variety of different cosmetic issues including tooth discolouration. Lifestyle factors like smoking, your diet, and medication use can taint your beautiful smile. While professional teeth whitening is an effective procedure, sometimes stubborn stains cannot be removed. In which case, dental veneers in Winnipeg can be used to conceal defects, giving you the ideal smile.

Here are some examples of how veneers can improve the appearance of your smile:

  • Dental veneers can repair one or more teeth that are chipped or severely worn down from teeth grinding.
  • Dental veneers can change the shape of your teeth for a uniform and even smile.
  • Dental veneers can fill unwanted spaces between your teeth.
  • Dental veneers can replace previous restorations.
  • Dental veneers can improve the alignment of your teeth, for a straighter smile.

Seeking Treatment

If you have decided it is time to receive veneers, you will be required to visit a dental clinic near you for a consultation. During the consultation, your dentist will examine your teeth to determine if you qualify for this treatment. If you are not eligible for dental veneers, do not worry. Your dentist will recommend another procedure that will address your needs and smile goals.

Here are some requirements for veneers:

• Teeth that are healthy and free from tooth decay or active gum disease.

• Adequate tooth enamel to allow for tooth preparation. Note, your dentist in Winnipeg may use no-prep or minimal preparation composite veneers as an alternative.

• You must not suffer from bruxism (teeth grinding or clenching). If you are someone who grinds their teeth or clenches their jaws, these actions weaken your veneers. As a result, this can thin out your veneers, or cause them to chip, peel and break due to the excessive forces.

• If you have any other daily dangerous habits like chewing on ice, biting on your fingernails, biting on pencils, or pens then you will not make a good candidate for dental veneers. Just as bruxism can damage your teeth, the forces of hard objects can damage your veneers.

If your dentist in Winnipeg confirms that you do not have sufficient tooth remaining, which may be due to excessive tooth wear or large restorations, veneers are not a suitable option, alternatively they may place a ceramic crown instead. A crown or a tooth cap covers a weakened tooth and protects it, restores its shape, size, and aesthetic appearance. In contrast to crowns, veneers require less removal of tooth enamel when compared to crowns, however, the preparation process for both dental treatments is irreversible.

Note, no matter what dental treatment you opt for, you will always have to practice good oral hygiene. Neglecting your oral care, will result in numerous oral health complications and negatively impact the life span of your dental restoration.

FAQ- Dental Veneers

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are comprised of thin shells of tooth coloured material that adheres to the front of your teeth.

What are the types of dental veneers?

The most common veneer materials used are porcelain and composite.

Should I choose composite or porcelain veneers?

You will need to consult with your dentist to learn which option is best for you.

What are the advantages of dental veneers?

  • They require very little removal of tooth enamel.
  • They improve the appearance of your teeth.
  • Your gum tissues respond well to dental veneers.
  • You can custom select the colour of your dental veneers.

They are stain-resistant.

Interested in dental veneers in Winnipeg? Schedule a consultation at a dental clinic near you today!